Sunday, November 7, 2010

Globizens – The rise of a New Global Community

One of the highlights of my travel to Europe was the opportunity to meet a distinct group of Global Citizens, "Globizens". As I hopped from city to city and town to town I kept meeting globizens who enlightened me in different ways. Most of the members of this community are youngsters who come from across the world and possess a deep curiosity about cultures and countries. Being extensive travelers Globizens rarely nurture extreme opinions and base most of their understanding on their own experience and the opinion of similar others. Every small thing mattered to them -– a small exchange, a small gesture of kindness and a small instance of kindness.
My interactions with Globizens were countless in number and interesting to the hilt. Most of these interactions took place in buses, trains, public places, museums and in the various hostels where I stayed. And most of these wonderful exchanges took place in Germany, a wonderful nation that seems to be the favourite of most Globizens.

Engrossed in an interesting conversation with Globizens from Spain, Chile and Israel in the Kitchen of Max Hostel in Bonn

With a footballer from Indonesia who is dedicated to the cause of football and stays in Amsterdam. A well-known sports promoter of football

A fellow scholar from Indonesia

With Globizens from Pakistan and US

With an enterprising gentleman from Bangladesh, in Paris


  1. Hi liked the neoglism - Globizens. Seems globizens can make the world a better and interesting place to live. They appear to be more holistic thinkers and implementers. Thanks for such a wonderful perspective.

  2. Hope this community helps forge a better and more sensitive world in the future...

  3. Such global citizens are necessary to have a future that is tolerant. Its such a good feeling to meet such tolerant youngsters.

  4. Great thoughts...keep posting more details of your trip.

  5. Hey I am also a globizen. Good coinage for the kind of people from other countries that I also keep meeting. I think you are the first guy to use this term. Let's hope you get the credit if it acquires popularity.

  6. Hey, you seem to have had a very rich experience in Europe. Thanks for all that update. People rarely share such detailed info. Keep it up.

    - Suzy

  7. Globizens are surely promising and they it appears will define the new global order in the days to come. Hope the group expands its reach. We need more globizens now than ever before.
